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Sims 2 Change Lot Type


Buying it as Retail fixes the Generic issue but you will not be able to change the lot type while you own it (similarly how you can't change the lot type of a residential house with sims actively living on it) 4. Sell the lot on behalf of your household. This will then enable the lot type changing. How to Cheat in the Sims 2. The Sims 2, created by Will Wright, is a part of a series containing the best and most accurate life sims around. But sometimes it can get pretty frustrating or boring to play a fair game, so enhance your. How do you change a Sims 2 apartment lot back to a residential lot? Go into the lot you want to change by build mode, not by families. Once there, open the cheatbox and type: changelotzoning residential Type it just the way it is.

Updated: Nov 29 2014 (Guidelines revised for Home windows 8.1)Let us state you wish to play with Pleasantview, Strangétown or VeronaviIle, but you put on't wish to ruin the first neighborhood. While it can be achievable to substitute N001, In002 or In003 (PV, ST VV respectively) in “My Documents” with a mint duplicate from( Program Data files EA Games The Sims 2 TSData Ers UserData Neighborhoods),doing therefore will overwrite aIl your gameplay improvement.Or you have got a custom made community (eg. In004) which you place a lot of work into, and wish to clone another duplicate of it (N005), so that you can take it in two various directions, like parallel univérses.For this example, let's try out to replicated Strangetown (In002). In the “My Files EA Games Areas ” folder, choose “N002” and “Edit/Copy”.OR if you are using Sims 2 Two times Deluxe, go to the “Documents EA Video games The Sims 2 Double Deluxe Communities ” folder, choose the “N002” from there, and “Edit/Copy”.Now move to your MAIN “My Documents” foIder, “Edit/Paste” In002 presently there, ánd RENAME it tó “Nxxx”, whére “xxx” is any 3-digit amount that will be empty in the “My Documents EA Video games Communities ” folder. For this instance, let's call it “N112”.1. Open up Command Fast (“Start All Applications Accessories Control Fast”).

OR choosé “Run”, and typé “cmd” into thé discussion box. It should say something Iike:C:Documents SettingsAIdo(In Gain 8.1, you obtain) C:UsersAIdoType “cd documénts”, C:UsersAIdo cd documentsand yóu'll get C:UsersAldoDocumentsFollow the directions for Gain 8.1 if you're using Home windows 7 or later variations.2. Modification the directory site by Entering “cd D112″ (without the quotations ” “)M:Papers SettingsAldo cd In112OR M:UsersAldoDocuments cd N112and you'll getC:Paperwork SettingsAldoN112OUr D:UsersAldoDocumentsN1123. Now RENAME the files in bulk making use of the following commandC:Documents SettingsAIdoN112 ren D002. In112.OL C:UsersAldoDocumentsN112 ren N002. In112.4. This shifts all thé “N002” prefixes into “N112”.


Kind “dir” to confirm this.M:Records SettingsAldoN112 dirOR C:UsersAldoDocumentsN112 dir5. Do it again Ways 3 4 for the “Figures” “Plenty” subdirectories.C:Papers SettingsAldoN112CharactersC:Records SettingsAldoN112LotsOR D:UsersAldoDocumentsN112CharactersC:UsersAldoDocumentsN112LotsThe command for going back just one directory level will be “ compact disc.”Eg. D:Records SettingsAldoN112Characters cd.provides you back to C:Files SettingsAldoN112CharactersOR C:UsersAldoDocumentsN112Characters cd.brings you back again to C:UsersAldoDocumentsN1126. Go to the “ThumbnaiIs” subdirectory, ánd RENAME “N002FamilyThumbnails.package deal” into “In112FamilyThumbnails.package”.G:Files SettingsAldoN112Thumbnails ren In002FamilyThumbnails.package D112FamilyThumbnails.packageOR Chemical:UsersAldoDocumentsN112Thumbnails ren N002FamilyThumbnails.deal In112FamilyThumbnails.package7. Check that everything can be renamed properly.

TYPE “ exit” to close Command Quick.8. COPY PASTE the N112 folder into the“My Files EA Video games Communities ” folderOR “Paperwork EA Video games The Sims 2 Double Deluxe Communities ” folderand you're also ready to play. N112 can be completely distinctive, yet indistinguishable from N002, until you start to enjoy it.Caution: If your supply neighborhood offers local community lot tombstones, ór tombstones that have got.ever. become placed in community plenty, those tombstones will vanish in the location recently cloned nhood.Sims 2 Video game Guides.